All photos by M. Molthan. In case you desire publishing in your medium, awesome! Please email to
and we will work something out.
Thank you for your interest and have fun reading. Schalom!
The Why Reveiled
Wow! I'm there. I am writing an online diary towards an internationally limited-to-the-rich audience that could be games without frontiers. Exciting that it's such a powerful number, all the people, that you could attract, and a real downer that there is almost none or no free access to information and education in still so many parts of the world... I am writing on an PII right now, spinning under a beautiful LINUX sail, life is great, while the wind of creation rushes through my hair. I tried UBUNTU and installed Xubuntu, the smaller version for older systems - the machine is SO MUCH MORE RELIABLE now, , smoother, too, it rocks. Skype is probably a tad too much for it but - you'll love this - there are tons of on donations based, open source programs ready for you to unfold and integrate in your distro to do any of your windows applications. It's part of a bigger initiative that promotes free access to education and provides free installation downloads. Those guys mean it! I thought I 'd pass that on. Back to the writing-thing: Something has changed in me. I never used to think that I should start writing right now. I have thought many times to start videotaping my crazy friends, but writing? Tough call.
A blog is sort of in between, because you can be all private and claim you never intended this or that content for that unfortunate viewer in the first place, however, to cater to a big audience seems to remain desirable day in day out - why would anybody start a private blog if not for author fame?! Or at least the admiration of the other vanitexters (exposers of vanity on blogs like myself).
Ok, the pure pleasure of putting the right words together, I could buy into that...
I am writing. Oh, I am going to tell you guys so many things...!